Introduction to Computers

What is a Computer?
It has been said that a computer is an Accountant with personality. J
The Original Computers
The first use of the term Computer was a job title. People whose task it was to do repetitive calculations (computations) using either the fully manual methods of pencil and paper or whatever mechanical device/s were available at the time to assist with the process were calledComputers. The people that performed this job were predominately women.
Therefore, when firstly mechanical and then electronic machines started to takeover these repetitive calculating tasks, these machines eventually became known as the Computers.
Some of the first electronic machines, even though they met the modern definition for aComputer, were called by a calculating related acronym because it was people that were theComputers.
Modern Computers
The dictionary defines a computer as, an apparatus for performing mathematical computations electronically according to a series of stored instructions called a program.
Regardless of the type of application you are using (e.g. email, word processing, Internet searching etc) the computer is performing extremely rapid mathematical calculations to run the application.
When referring to the typical desktop model, the term computer technically only refers to the case or more specifically, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in the case and not any of the input devises (e.g. keyboard and mouse) or output devices (e.g. monitor and printer) that are connected to the case. However, it is acceptable to refer to a complete and functioning desktop model as a computer system.
 The Personal Computer

The Personal Computer (PC) is a small single-user computer and the most common type of computer used in businesses, homes and educational institutions today. The PC uses the Windows operating system as a platform (the means) for running an extensive range of software from specific business and home applications and Internet access to playing games.

The next page illustrates and describes the main hardware components of a PC.
Apple Computers
The Authors of this Guide acknowledge Apple© computers as quality products and important computer systems in the home and business environments.
However, as it is the intent of this Guide to assist beginner’s with understanding and using the most common platform in popular use, only PC based hardware and software is used for the  working examples in the information and instructions.
The key advancements made by Apple during the development of the desktop computer are discussed in the History of Computers.

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