Google does "Do Not Track" button on the browser to Chrome

Google is like no other company, "a service is free, you yourself are the product," 
The Chrome browser features, for example, quite a lot of information about the surfing habits of users in order to ultimately accurate, relevant ads, advertising off and so it is no wonder that Google is exposed to frequent criticism here.
 what the Chrome browser has become much less, see here , but there are still frequent criticism.
( original  photo under CC license in FlickR of TopRankBlog)

Having been in the U.S., but kicked off just a small earthquake in this direction, a prosecutor against Google, Apple and Co. because of data protection a uf the drum is carved , privacy policies are introduced into the apps from Google, Apple and Co., and even U.S. President Obama a relevant consumer protection policy ( "Do Not Track" ) has pursued, leans to Google will integrate the pressure and "not Thurs track" in the Chrome browser a button.

"We're pleased to join a broad industry agreement to respect the 'do-not-track' header in a consistent and meaningful way that offers users choice and clearly explained browser controls"
At least, the statement of Google's senior vice president of Advertising Susan Wojcicki.How the button looks in the end, what it does and what data is actually still end up on Google's servers still unclear. Cut off times I suspect that it is hardly all advertising-related traffic - then Google would eventually return no more for the use of the browser - but will assume nothing and let myself be surprised by the results.
Basically, the residue of this goes straight through the industry is welcome in any case, after all, many look hardly even what information they reveal just all and the policy would be over completely ... 

I'm curious to see how far the current trend - whether Show Google, Facebook, Apple and Co. in the future either completely and without time-consuming inquiry procedure, the data must be collected and used, or even be limited in their collecting.

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