Windows 8: Enable the hidden Administrator

The password of Windows 8 can be circumvented fairly easily, unless it is a Microsoft account, but a local account. For it there are two types of accounts. Once the purely local, so far as we know it and then once the Microsoft account - closely linked with an account with Microsoft.
Advantage? Direct display of messages & Co and the synchronization of time on different computers. First of all I can tell you that it is well done Microsoft, the Microsoft account to protect, the local fun can be cut short, however slightly - but this should not be in this post, the topic I am going to later times.

Should it ever be the case that you have a Windows data at approaching 8-computer, then you are allowed once fingers crossed, that was the default administrator disabled. I think most people know anyway not that this account exists. But you know it even now. The account exists but is not active.
So how can I activate an account, but if I do not "Windows" come clean because it is provided with a password? Since helps restore the good old ntpasswd . To have a bootable USB flash drive or just as an ISO. Should you need to boot from a CD, then you should burn the ISO logically, the point here I'll be heading.
We therefore ntpasswd boot from CD drive or the small tool and get the good old DOS-style in the looks seen. It looks complicated, but it is not. I'm now just the steps after booting, you should pursue this, to enable the hidden administrator.
First Blank screen, just confirm with Enter

Second It looks complicated, but it is not. This will be elected the board with the Windows installation. In most cases, always the first major ;) case of my sda2 - enter number and then confirm.

Third Path to the registry files indicate. 95% chance that you just need to click the Enter button - the default is predefined.

4th Info fuss - Quit with q as it is only recommend it to where we want. Point 1 Password Reset

5th Info and Query, what we want to do. We choose a point: Edit user data and passwords

6th Users are listed - here we give the user that you want to change. This is logical as the administrator. So we give a name.

7th Once we have entered the administrator, we have another menu. This has set a point 4 to unlock the account as a choice. This is what we choose.

After this last step, we end with an exclamation mark! and have the possibility, the changes after a further (q) uit store. Logically, we must make.

And then? Yes we boot the computer normally high and see what you see on the first screen - a full administrator with full access to the computer. Without the password - without anything. Even if the text is long here - the admin has it with the necessary boot CD or unlock the boot drive in a few minutes.

Now you probably have access to data and achieved what you wanted - in the future I'm going to even have a password and any encryption . via[Caschys]

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